Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Are you willing and open to change? Today as I was getting ready to do my devotion I was listening to a Pastor on my radio podcast, and they were talking about change. Here is just a little bit of my devotion:

Isa. 43:19 AMP - "Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." 
Change is inevitable; Are you willing to accept it, or will you fight it? God likes freshness and works in seasons. If you will stay open and willing to change, your provisions will take you to your promise land. Just as God gave food and water to the Israelites in the desert, he will provide for you, but it will only last a season. We have to stay open to change, and what once provided blessing for us can also harm us if we are not willing to move on. Don't cut yourself short, be willing to make adjustments. God knows exactly when to remove something, it is not to harm you but promote you. Get ready for increase! Stay open for criticism, open to advise, and be aware of the people that God brings through your life to help you grow. Are we going to hold on to what has happened and miss what God has for us? Or are we going to tell God that we are open to what God has in store for us? If you stay open to change, God will bring you into your promise land.

How do you deal with change? Is there something that is preventing you from growing and changing? What is your story?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I haven't Forgotten You

Hey  ladies,  I  wanted to  write  on  here  to  let  you  know  that  i  have  not  forgotten  about  you.  I  have  been  very  busy  with  school  and  have  not  had  a  chance  to  write  you  lovely  ladies.  Please  forgive  me  as  i  am  trying  to  get  back  in  the  swing  of  things.  First,  if  you  look  to  the  left  you  will  see  a  picture  of  my  friend,  her  daughter,  and  myself  after  we  ran/walked  the  Mercy  Ministries  5k  and  family  walk.  My  time  was  51  min.  and  i  was  walking.  It  was  a  thrilling  experience!

As  the  Thanksgiving/Christmas  season  approaches  I  am  being  reminded  how  fast  the  time  is  going  by,  and  also  all  the  things  i  am  thankful  for  this  year.  This  might  have  been  a  hard  year  for  some  of  you,  I  know  I  have  had  a  bit   of  difficulty  in  a  few  of  my  classes.  But  regardless  of  what  happened,  I  have  come  to  realize  that  we  all  have  something  to  be  thankful  for.  If  you  don't  see  the  good  in  life  right  now,  I  encourage  you  to  make  a  list.  Until  then,  here  is  my  Thanksgiving  list:

1.  I  am  thankful  for  those  i  love:
This is a picture of my  mother and me.  We  get  into  arguments  just  like  any  other  mother and daughter but  i  love  her  so  much!

2. I am thankful for my friends:
This  is  a  picture  of  one  of  my  very  best  friends.  Every  time  I  look  at  this  picture  I  can't  help  but  laugh  because  this  sums  up  our  friendship.  I  don't  know  if  you  have  a  friend  like  this,  but if  so  treasure  them,  they  are  more  valuable  than  all  the  riches  in  the  world!

3. I  am  thankful  for  the  opportunity  to  attend  school  and  further  my  education:
This  is  where  i  currently  go  to  school  before  i  transfer  somewhere  else.  Just  a  stepping  stone  to  where  I  want  to  be.

4. Thankful  for  my  new  addition  to  our  family:
This  is  a  picture  of  my  new  Sister - in - law  and  me  at  my  brother's  and  her  wedding.  She  is  really  sweet,  glad  to  finally  not  be  the  only  girl.  ^_^

5.  Thankful  for  my  new  camera  so  I  can  take  pictures  of  God's  beautiful creation:

This  is  a  picture  from  my  new  camera.  I  really  like  to  take  pictures  of  flowers,  sunsets,  and  sunrises.

These  are  just  a  few   of  the  things  I  am  thankful  for  this  year.  I  encourage  you  that  if  you  are  feeling  down,  just  start  jotting  down  a  few  things  that  you  can  be  thankful  for  and  start  giving  the  Lord  praise.  It  might  take  a  while, but  I  promise  you  will  start  feeling  better!

Be  Blessed,
Angie  C.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Mercy Ministries 5k

Hey Ladies,
    I just wanted to let you know that i will be participating in a 5K walk/run with Mercy ministries. Mercy is a place where broken girls go to get help, anywhere from addictions, self-harm, eating disorders, and even unplanned pregnancy. So if you would like to get involved or just to donate you can go to the link below and click on support or join. Thought i would share that with you, hope you are having a good week, be blessed!


To help support or join the team click here for more information.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who Says

                                                            Who Says?
                                                 "God thinks I am beautiful!"

Ps. 139: 17 NLT - "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!"

God has really been speaking to me about viewing myself the God does, and to have a proper love for myself so i can love others. Recently i have been listening to Selena Gomez's song, thanks to the kids i babysit, and it pretty much ask the question "Who said you are not beautiful?" Just listen to the song below.

I think the reason i like this song so much is because in our society today everywhere you look they are telling people how they should look and act, giving the next best thing to being "perfect". And this song poses the question, "Who says?" In other words, when other people say, "You are ugly, you are too fat, too skinny, too whatever" we don't have to listen to them because God has called us beautiful, even before we were born.  Just as the scripture above describes, God knows everything about us, he knows our future, past, and present. In saying that, he knows every sin we made and will make and still loves us and ask us to just make one choice: Choose him, and allow him to guide us in this life. 

If you forget everything i have written up to this point please remember this:
No matter what you do, God loves you and if you are away from him he loves you very much and wants you to surrender to him. He wants to be the father you have always wanted, the friend you can always call on, and  he wants you to have the assurance that when you die you can live with him for eternity, instead of thinking when you die you just go into a box and that is it. 

If you would like to receive this amazing love, and the assurance of heaven please repeat this after me:
Lord, I know i have sinned. I thank you for the sacrifice Jesus has made on the cross even if it was just for me. I ask for you forgiveness and i receive you now. Please be the leader of my life, and my friend for eternity. in Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, July 18, 2011



Heb 12: 1(CEV) - "Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us."

We all have at least one temptation that we struggle with, that one that keeps tripping us up every time. But we we want to run the race of life well, the way Jesus intended us to, we must ask God to help us deny the temptations that slow us down. The bible tells of how many times Jesus was tempted, but he never gave into that temptation. When Satan would come to tempt Jesus He would immediately speak the Word and deny that temptation. So if Jesus struggled with that don't you think you should give your issues to God also? Don't think, "oh, i can take care of this, I have it under control." No, just as it states in Hebrews we must lay aside everything that slows us down. When you are carrying all that around with you and not giving it to Jesus you look like this man:
Imagine each one of those boxes are filled with unforgivenss, anger, guilt, or even unbelief that God will not stay true to His promise for you. When you are carrying something like that on your back, you are just like the man above; you start moving slower, i am sure you are tired and have a hard time breathing because it is heavy, and you don't get very far. So let's look at how you can lay aside that heavy weight.

Running Well:
1. Just Say No! 
We have all seen the ads when we were a kid on "Just say no to drugs!" Well, it is the same with temptation. When temptation comes you must first ask if this is something of God, and of 'course it isn't, and then you must do the next thing, which is to...
2. Know your Word
If you are diligent in reading the bible then when temptation comes you will be able to say no to it because you are strong enough to withstand, and you are less likely to be deceived.
3. Call on Jesus
And finally, when you think you can not take any more heat, call on Jesus! He is always there in the time of need.

If you will do these things and be in constant fellowship with the Lord, on the day you finish your race you will hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant". 

I hope you enjoyed this, look forward to reading all your comments.
Till next time,