Monday, July 18, 2011



Heb 12: 1(CEV) - "Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won't let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us."

We all have at least one temptation that we struggle with, that one that keeps tripping us up every time. But we we want to run the race of life well, the way Jesus intended us to, we must ask God to help us deny the temptations that slow us down. The bible tells of how many times Jesus was tempted, but he never gave into that temptation. When Satan would come to tempt Jesus He would immediately speak the Word and deny that temptation. So if Jesus struggled with that don't you think you should give your issues to God also? Don't think, "oh, i can take care of this, I have it under control." No, just as it states in Hebrews we must lay aside everything that slows us down. When you are carrying all that around with you and not giving it to Jesus you look like this man:
Imagine each one of those boxes are filled with unforgivenss, anger, guilt, or even unbelief that God will not stay true to His promise for you. When you are carrying something like that on your back, you are just like the man above; you start moving slower, i am sure you are tired and have a hard time breathing because it is heavy, and you don't get very far. So let's look at how you can lay aside that heavy weight.

Running Well:
1. Just Say No! 
We have all seen the ads when we were a kid on "Just say no to drugs!" Well, it is the same with temptation. When temptation comes you must first ask if this is something of God, and of 'course it isn't, and then you must do the next thing, which is to...
2. Know your Word
If you are diligent in reading the bible then when temptation comes you will be able to say no to it because you are strong enough to withstand, and you are less likely to be deceived.
3. Call on Jesus
And finally, when you think you can not take any more heat, call on Jesus! He is always there in the time of need.

If you will do these things and be in constant fellowship with the Lord, on the day you finish your race you will hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant". 

I hope you enjoyed this, look forward to reading all your comments.
Till next time,