Are you willing and open to change? Today as I was getting ready to do my devotion I was listening to a Pastor on my radio podcast, and they were talking about change. Here is just a little bit of my devotion:
Isa. 43:19 AMP - "Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
Change is inevitable; Are you willing to accept it, or will you fight it? God likes freshness and works in seasons. If you will stay open and willing to change, your provisions will take you to your promise land. Just as God gave food and water to the Israelites in the desert, he will provide for you, but it will only last a season. We have to stay open to change, and what once provided blessing for us can also harm us if we are not willing to move on. Don't cut yourself short, be willing to make adjustments. God knows exactly when to remove something, it is not to harm you but promote you. Get ready for increase! Stay open for criticism, open to advise, and be aware of the people that God brings through your life to help you grow. Are we going to hold on to what has happened and miss what God has for us? Or are we going to tell God that we are open to what God has in store for us? If you stay open to change, God will bring you into your promise land.
Change is inevitable; Are you willing to accept it, or will you fight it? God likes freshness and works in seasons. If you will stay open and willing to change, your provisions will take you to your promise land. Just as God gave food and water to the Israelites in the desert, he will provide for you, but it will only last a season. We have to stay open to change, and what once provided blessing for us can also harm us if we are not willing to move on. Don't cut yourself short, be willing to make adjustments. God knows exactly when to remove something, it is not to harm you but promote you. Get ready for increase! Stay open for criticism, open to advise, and be aware of the people that God brings through your life to help you grow. Are we going to hold on to what has happened and miss what God has for us? Or are we going to tell God that we are open to what God has in store for us? If you stay open to change, God will bring you into your promise land.
How do you deal with change? Is there something that is preventing you from growing and changing? What is your story?